Winter Squash Soup Recipe

Looking to start upping your health game for fall but don’t know where to begin? Don’t know what foods to prepare?
This is one challenge that many people face when they first set out to improve their health and diets. They just don’t know what foods to eat or make that offer comfort!
Well, you’re in luck!
Because I have a beautiful winter squash soup recipe to share with you that I think you’ll love. This dairy-free, gluten-free and fat-free soup is one that your body will thank you for! It’s great for the colder months ahead and can be made in batch to be frozen for later consumption.
It’s creamy, full of flavour and nutrient packed to the brim! Winter squash is the star ingredient in this recipe and is loaded with vitamins and minerals that your liver can easily store. It is high in phytochemicals and carotenoids that help to protect its function and heal any damage accumulated over the years. These naturally occurring nutrients also play a role in the creation and maintenance of healthy hair, skin and nails as well as healthy vision. Winter squash is also one of the options in Medical Medium’s mono cleanse for good reason, it’s extremely gentle on digestion. All the more reason to eat up!
1 peeled and diced winter squash
4 cups of veggie broth
1 cup of diced white onion
3 minced garlic cloves
1/2 tablespoon of curry powder
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of turmeric
1 teaspoon of sea salt (optional)
1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
Juice of half a lemon
Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add in the diced winter squash. Boil for 15 minutes or until you can easily poke a fork into the cubes of squash. Once the squash is soft, remove it from the pot. Grab another pot and place all the ingredients inside, minus the broth. Fill the pot with enough water to cover the contents. Turn on the heat to medium and simmer for 20 minutes. Once that is done, drain the pot and transfer all the ingredients from the pot into a high-speed blender. Add the broth and blend until smooth.
Serve and enjoy!
If you loved this recipe and would like to learn even more about healing foods, what the body needs to thrive and other aspects of health and healing, sign up for our Empowered Wellness Circle (Monthly Membership) for women, moms and practitioners. Each month we include a new recipe feature as part of our handout materials and discuss nutrition support at length in our teaching call and Q&A.
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