The Power of Visualization in Creating Positive Birth Outcomes

Jul 18, 2024
Visualizing your birth starts early.

“I truly loved my birth.”

“Giving birth to my child was the most profound and beautiful experience of my life.”

“My birth was incredibly spiritual and deep for me.”

The birth of a child is one of the greatest miracles humans can be a part of, and yet, sadly, many in our world do not view this process as the EMPOWERING and MIRACULOUS event it is! Childbirth is often viewed as being rigid, clinical, stationary, and restrictive, where the focus is centered on the fear, the pain, the inductions, and the interventions. I’m here to say that It does NOT have to be this way! With preparation, support, motivation, and the right mindset, cultivating an attitude of positivity and empowerment around childbirth CAN be achieved. One of my favorite and most powerful tools that can be used during labor/birthing and delivery to help create positive birthing outcomes is visualization

What is Visualization?

Visualization creates a mental image in our mind’s eye of something we want or need. It is the process of seeing, believing, and achieving something we desire. According to neuroscience research, our minds can’t distinguish between what is physically real and what is imagined. As a result, our minds, thoughts, and subconscious beliefs directly affect our bodies and external environment. Through brain imagery, scientists have revealed that the neurons in our brains interpret mental images and relay information as if stimuli were equivalent to real life. In other words, when we visualize ourselves performing a specific task or achieving a goal, our brains light up, and neurons fire. With consistent repetition of that visualization, new neural pathways can be created that are associated with that specific task or goal. These neural pathways set the foundation and prime our bodies to act in a way that will allow us to manifest our visualization in real life. Many professional athletes, for example, use visualization before competition and as a training tool to help enhance performance. 

Visualizing your pregnancy is a powerful tool.

Visualization Within the Birthing Space

Visualization can also be an effective tool to help parents obtain a more optimal birthing experience with exceptionally positive birth outcomes. Visualization helps promote relaxation, builds confidence, and can reduce mama’s level of fear and pain during labor. Because our minds are so incredibly powerful, we are foolish not to take advantage of this power during childbirth to get the most out of the experience and to have the births we DESERVE.  

Using Visualization to Prepare for Labor

Upon conception/the discovery of a pregnancy, the visualization process can begin! Throughout the pregnancy, any time is excellent for mamas to develop a mental or physical list of positive mental imagery that can be utilized during the birthing process. Are there times and/or locations where Mama feels happy, relaxed, and safe? Some examples may be at a beach, hearing the waves crash, or listening to the wind rustle the trees on a spring day. Just closing one’s eyes and taking a moment to “go” to these places mentally should show how our minds can shift from where we are physically to where we want to be mentally.

The subconscious mind is like a holding tank for all of our beliefs, and each of our beliefs has associated images that flash upon the screen of our mind. As we do with general life experiences, we each likely have pre-established images locked into our minds about what childbirth is like as well… and the nature of those images can give us clues about our belief systems. Much of the Central Nervous System (CNS) is governed by the subconscious mind, and, as it turns out, it is the CNS that is responsible for the release of the hormones that direct labor and childbirth. As a result, the deep-seated beliefs that we hold about the birthing space have a direct influence on the outcome of our experience! The primary intention is to focus on POSITIVE thoughts and exclude negative thoughts. Many women go into the delivery room believing and expecting labor to be anything but a calm, easy process. But what if we could take active control over these negative beliefs? What if we could reprogram our minds and redirect our focus to believe in and expect positive and enjoyable (and, dare I say, beautiful) outcomes?  

The subconscious mind doesn’t have any filters, and because of this, it accepts every single belief that is impressed upon it. Therefore, with consistent visualization, we can impress new images onto our subconscious mind by reprogramming it and updating the beliefs it holds.  We can actively and consciously choose the type of birth we would like to have and use our imagination to help influence our outward experience. 

Visualization during pregnancy can lead to the type of birth we want.

How to Visualize

Tapping into the visualization process is quite simple and can be achieved using the following steps.

  1. Set an Intention

Setting an intention and becoming crystal clear on our desires is the first step and it is an important one at that! How can we create goals for ourselves if we don’t know what we want? Now is the time to decide what you want from your birthing experience.  How do you want it to feel? What emotions do you want to experience? Do you want it to be a natural birth? Do you want to give birth at home or at the hospital? The more clarity you can have around your desires, the better. Also, your visions may be more likely to come to fruition if you make a list and write or type out your ideas. 

  1. Picture the Scene

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can feel fully relaxed. Close your eyes and take 2-3 deep, cleansing belly breaths. Now, start imagining all the details of your ideal or goal birthing experience. It helps to utilize all five senses to do this. 

Sight: What do you see around you? Are the lights dim? Do you have specific loved ones standing nearby? Are you in a birthing pool or on a hospital bed?

Sound: What do you hear? What noises will you make while birthing? Is there soft, relaxing music playing? Is there external noise, or is it quiet? Is your partner speaking encouraging words to you? Do you hear your baby cry?

Touch: What tactile sensations are you experiencing? Are you moving? Are you lying down or sitting up or standing? Are you receiving a massage? Do you have a soft blanket on you? Is the air warm? Does ice on your heck help if it gets too hot?

Smell: What scents do you smell? Do you have an essential oil diffuser nearby? Is your partner rubbing lotion on you? Are you smelling your baby’s skin when it’s born?

Taste: Are there any tastes involved with this experience? Do you have your favorite drinks or snacks nearby to eat during labor? Snacks, drinks, or food ready for after delivery?

Tap into your mind! In addition to what is physically around you, remember the power of the mind. Can you close your eyes and visualize yourself in your favorite safe and comfortable place such as the beach or the park? Relaxing in a bubble bath? Stay in this place for several minutes and enjoy the emotions it brings you. When you’re ready to leave your visualized space, take a few deep belly breaths and slowly open your eyes to what’s around you. Have this “environment” in your mind ready so you can return when things amp up during the birthing process!

  1. Repeat

Visualize daily. The more often you practice, the more concrete the imagery will be solidified deep in your subconscious mind and the more natural this process will feel and become.

The power of visualization in creating positive birth outcomes.

Using Visualization During Childbirth

In addition to during birthing, visualization can also be an effective tool to utilize during a baby’s arrival. This can help us to connect with what is physically happening to our bodies and the outcomes we are striving for. We can use our minds to imagine our bodies opening up and expanding, and we can imagine the muscles of our uterus working to allow the baby to move down and out. We can place mindful awareness on various parts of the body or processes that are occurring, which helps us to relax and sink into childbirth as well as work in sync with our child and with what our bodies are DESIGNED to do. Visualization at this time helps us to remain present in the moment, which can also work to reduce anxiety and fear. By remaining present, our emotional response to a situation can move out of stress and into empowerment. And when our mind is at ease, our body follows – allowing it to proceed forward in birthing a beautiful, calm baby. 

Let me Support You

I have personally used visualization for my own VBAC home births and have supported many other women in doing the same. If you would like to learn more about how you can manifest the birth you’ve always visualized and dreamed for yourself, consider checking out my Fertility/Pregnancy/Postpartum Support Package. This package can be catered to your exact needs and can be utilized to gain birthing support, including birthing practices and preparation. I can’t wait to support you toward having the birth experience of your dreams!

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Dr. Kimberly holding her baby at the beach.