
Summer Fruits and Vegetables for a Plant-Based Diet

Jun 22, 2017

The Abundance of Summer

Summer is officially here, and what better time to discuss some summer fruits and veggies that will serve you well on a plant based diet?

If you are transitioning or new to a plant-based diet, you may be wondering if all of your nutritional needs can be met eating this way. The answer is, absolutely! In fact, the nutrients we require are actually more absorbable when they come from plants. Amazing, isn’t it!

With all the variety of fruits and vegetables that summer offers, this is the perfect time of year to make the transition or just to start incorporating even more of these foods into your day to day diet.


Not only are cherries delicious to snack on in the summer months, but they are a wonderful source of vitamin C, which is especially important to a plant-based diet. Vitamin C improves iron absorption. Without iron, our body’s cannot produce hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream. Low levels of hemoglobin can lead to anemia.

Here are some additional benefits of cherries:

Cherries are an amazing way to revitalize [the liver]; they’re the ultimate liver tonic, cleanser, and rejuvenator.

Cherries promote healthy hemoglobin and are also anti-cancerous, specifically effective
at addressing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, melanoma, and glioblastoma (a type of brain tumor).

Cherries sharpen the mind by purifying the bowels—they’re better at alleviating constipation than prunes! They cleanse the bladder, too, and help alleviate spastic bladders and bladder prolapse. Plus, cherries are one of the best endocrine system boosting foods, stimulating or suppressing the appetite as needed. If it’s weight loss you’re after, cherries are your new best friend.

Excerpt From: Anthony William. “Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods.”

Bell Peppers

Like cherries, bell peppers are a solid source of vitamin C, greatly surpassing oranges. Consuming bell peppers can also lower cholesterol and aid in weight loss.

Bell peppers are also packed with vitamin A and beta carotene which can help boost the immune system, improve vision, and help protect the eyes against cataracts. They are also an excellent source of potassium, fiber, thiamine, beta carotene, folic acid, zeaxanthin, and lycopene and have been shown to help prevent blood clot formation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Green bell peppers are technically an “unripe” pepper. Even though green peppers are edible, the red, orange, and yellow bell peppers contain significantly higher levels of vitamins, mineral, and antioxidants.

Medical Medium Blog – Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are enjoyable raw and sliced because of their sweetness and crunchiness, and for these reasons are a real pleaser for kids as well.


Grapes are yet another tremendously beneficial fruit to add to your summer shopping list. Try frozen grapes for a cool treat when temperatures soar.

Grapes should not be misunderstood as being too high in carbs, sugar, or calories to be good for us. And grapes are less sweet than we think; they are more defined by tartness, which is a key medicinal quality. That sourness indicates the presence of phytochemicals critical to kidney function. If you’ve ever heard that you have elevated creatinine levels, this means your kidneys have become compromised in their ability to remove and excrete waste products from the bloodstream. Grapes are the ultimate kidney tonic—their phytochemicals bind onto waste that the kidneys have trouble filtering.

Many people are also concerned about liver health. Like cherries, grapes are an amazing liver-cleansing food. Their phytochemicals are able to dislodge debris, processed food, and by-products that can clog up lobules in the liver. And for those looking for digestive benefits, grape skins hold powerful micronutrients that expel parasites, mold, and other unproductive [fungi] from the intestinal tract.

Excerpt From: Anthony William. “Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods.”


In the summer, what can be more perfect than cucumbers? Cucumbers are composed almost entirely of water, making them extremely hydrating. Even better, why not try some fresh cucumber juice to simultaneously detox the body?

[Cucumbers are] rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, silicon, and potassium. Cucumbers are also packed with antioxidants and enzymes such as erepsin which helps to digest proteins and destroy parasites and tapeworms. The high chlorophyll and lignan content in the cucumber skin makes it a great anti-cancer food and can be particularly helpful in reducing the risk of estrogen-related cancers such as breast, uterus, prostate, and ovarian cancer.

Medical Medium Blog – Cucumbers

Cucumbers pair beautifully with tomatoes and basil with a fresh squeeze of citrus for a quick lunch or midday snack.


Berries are great for snacking, adding to fruit salads, water infusions, smoothies, salads, and more. Their health benefits are numerous and thus they are a staple for a plant-based diet.

Berries are a saving grace. Their main power comes from antioxidants, the miracle fighters of free radicals. Antioxidants mean life, while oxidation means death. We need these antioxidants to fight the aging (oxidation) process, and to stay alive in the face of constant threats to our health.

An excellent source of iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, potassium, chromium, and calcium, berries also have traces of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids.

Plus, they have hidden compounds that stop excess adrenaline from causing damage to organs. This makes blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, elderberries, schisandra berries, and the like critical for life on earth.

Excerpt From: Anthony William. “Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods.”


Zucchini is a highly alkaline food that is one of the mildest and easiest vegetables to digest. Zucchini is a great source of vitamin A, C, & B-complex as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, and manganese. It is high in fiber and low in calories which makes it a great weight loss food and helps to reduce constipation and bloating.

Medical Medium Blog – Zucchini

Try grilling on skewers with bell peppers, crimini mushrooms, and pineapple for a satisfying summer dinner.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind When Going Plant-Based

Remember, plant foods are high in nutrients but lower in calories compared to animal products, so it’s important to eat more frequently as well as a higher quantity of food in general. Sounds like fun to me!

Don’t overdo it substituting loads of nuts, seeds, and other plant-based fats for meat. While healing, it’s important to keep all sources of fat low to ensure our blood is thin enough to allow our immune system to properly find, kill, and detox the viruses that so many of us are up against.

If you feel you need guidance as you transition or have concerns that keep you from trying, please reach out to schedule a consult ! We’d love to show you how to lighten your spirit and free your body of disease with the healing power of plants.

Are you ready for summer? Let me know what your favorite summer fruits and vegetables are!

The post Summer Fruits and Vegetables for a Plant-Based Diet appeared first on Reclaimers of Health.

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