
Bridging the Gap While Transitioning Your Kids to a Healing Diet

May 18, 2018

All Kids are Different When it Comes to Healing Foods

Some kids are raised from the very beginning on abundant healing foods and accept them graciously. Other kids may begin their lives with fewer fruits and veggies, and more convenience items or packaged foods and begin relying on them as staples in the diet. Some kids are willing to drink celery juice or eat bowls of fruit while others won’t touch a strawberry even if its dipped in chocolate. Kids are…well KIDS! Some kids will eat healing foods for a period of time and then go through a period of refusing altogether.

Whatever the case, so many Moms have now found the TRUTH and have witnessed the healing of Medical Medium protocols and want to pass off the gift of health to their children.

Where do you start?

The question is always “WHERE DO WE START” with a child that has grown accustomed to nuggets, pizza, burgers, sandwiches?! How do we bridge the gap when these same children already have a very limited diet? This also goes for adults (listen up Dads)!

Well, we start by bringing the healing foods in! With every meal and snack, we build the healing foods into what the child is already accepting. Once we have brought in more of the healing foods, it is time to step away from the “what not to eat” foods. Again, some kids will drop them all and move forward. Other kids will be begging for nuggets and ice cream while Mom is trying to help them go more plant-based.

Learn More in the Empowered Moms Course

Healing Foods for Kids

In my course, Empowered Moms, I have devoted an entire section to talking about food refusals/food-based sensory aversions and straight-up PREFERENCE.

And guess what? A new session of Empowered Moms is beginning on September 28th! 

I am excited to share healing/plant-based alternatives and recipes for common food items kids are asking for. These recipes are “no” food free and are loaded with healing foods. Not only will we be learning how to pack a healing lunch box, but we’ll also be diving into SIMPLE recipes that can be used to bridge the gap while transitioning to a healing diet.

PLUS, we have a new bonus for this session. It’s called the Guidebook to Surviving the Week , and it’s going to be a life-saver for any moms struggling with planning, meals, prep, organization, and more. Use my kid-friendly meal ideas OR create your own menu based on my suggestions.

Empowered Moms NEW BONUS!

Get Help with the Transition

Join a SISTERHOOD and get personalized help from me as we go through the course together over the 4 weeks. Begins 9/28!

Learn More

What’s in Your Mama Medicine Cabinet?

There is no “perfect” when it comes to motherhood! There is no one “right way.” We are ALL flying by the seat of our pants and trying our best! This doesn’t mean we can’t be EMPOWERED and PREPARED though.

We know all too well what that means as moms. Knowing and having the right items in your mama medicine cabinet for YOUR kids, as well as knowing WHEN and HOW to use them.

Another thing we talk about in the Empowered Moms course is supplementation, core items you should have in your mama medicine cabinet, and when and how to use those items. Part of it is trusting your intuition and innate understanding of your children and then also having a base of knowledge to draw from and knowing how to apply the Medical Medium protocols to achieve optimal health for your children.

The post Bridging the Gap While Transitioning Your Kids to a Healing Diet appeared first on Reclaimers of Health.

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