Back to School in Current Times

New Back to School Challenges
Back to school time is quite typically a challenging and stressful time for many families. Changing of schedules, increase in academic demands, etc., but this year, life has certainly thrown us even more curveballs!
Just among my clients, I know there are parents who will be working from home while their children participate in distance learning, some will be homeschooling (and many for their first time!), and some still have no idea what will happen but are trying not to freak out and are taking each decision moment by moment and day by day. I hear you, and I see you! This has been a trying time for months and school hasn’t even started back up yet. In fact, this world has been dramatically changing even for those who aren’t parents.
The Good News
In trying to see the bright side within the chaos, this time has definitely helped my family and others to appreciate our homes, spend more time with our families, and nurture relationships and friendships in other ways (calling, texting, video chatting, etc.). It has helped us to prioritize what is important and also find creative ways to occupy our time and get outside in nature (while social distancing of course). When you look at what’s going on as calling us in, calling us home, calling us to be with our loved ones, it doesn’t seem quite so bad. But that doesn’t mean it’s EASY by any means!
Back to School Mind & Body Essentials
Whether your children will be learning in a classroom or at a kitchen table, being taught by you or by a qualified classroom teacher, some of the same principles of surviving and thriving apply. Regardless of location, we still need to focus on hydration, nutrition, and stress management.
When it comes to hydration, hopefully, this is a no-brainer. Making sure that we and our children continue to drink plenty of water is super important. I recommend living water (water with added citrus or any fruit or vegetable) and/or coconut water, and also remind you that fruits and raw vegetables are great ways to sneak in additional hydration.
Food & Adrenal Support
One of the biggest stressors for moms when returning to a more elaborate schedule is food! When demands are increased, days are busier, and schedules are tighter, it is important to make sure to prioritize frequent eating. Particularly when stress is rampant, eating every 1.5–2 hours is vital for optimal adrenal functioning.
By eating a nourishing snack or meal every one and a half to two hours that contains the right balance of the glucose, sodium and potassium your body needs, you can prevent the blood sugar dips that force your adrenals to fill in and release adrenaline. In turn, you save your adrenals, and also your liver and pancreas and prevent corrosive, toxic adrenaline from causing you more problems. Adrenal snacking on the right foods can put you on the true path to healing. -Anthony William
You can check out our additional tips on adrenal support here. I also talk more about this in my blog post about emotionally supportive foods during back to school time. Foods like bananas, potatoes, and others are very important, and I also discuss how to work them into your (and your children’s) day.
Planning and preparation are key!
I’ve said it before and will likely say it many times again. When it comes to food, preparation and planning are the keys to success. As fall approaches, take some time this summer to think about how to best prepare and plan for your eating when school starts.
This might mean writing out your meal plans on a calendar or a visual on your fridge.
This might mean thinking about what produce you can wash and cut the night before, what juices you can make in the morning to set the tone for the day, and also which juices you can cap and save for later.
Perhaps it might even be easiest for your family to pack up lunches just like you would if you were sending your child out of the house (if you aren’t). You may also consider using more of your kitchen appliances such as your Crockpot, Instant Pot, or Air Fryer to make your life easier.
Here’s a great recipe to try for a weeknight meal: falafel stuffed peppers. The prep time is minimal, and you can even make the filling in advance to make it even easier when dinner rolls around.
I recognize that many hats have been worn for months now and will continue to be worn into the fall—parent, caretaker, worker, teacher, protector, and more—all at a time when every decision we make feels like a choice between our children’s (and our) mental health and physical health. It feels like no matter what we decide, some people we know will either think we’re reckless or paranoid. Sad to say… these are just the times right now. Lean on your support system of friends, family, and this community for encouragement, strength, and empowerment. We will get through this together.
Join us for Empowered Moms
In Empowered Moms, starting on September 28th, you will have a tribe of amazing like-minded women plus my unconditional support for 4 weeks to help you on your journey to feeling more grounded as you navigate this chaotic time. I will be guiding you as you work the Medical Medium lifestyle into whatever it is your life looks like! We hope to see you there!
The post Back to School in Current Times appeared first on Reclaimers of Health.