
Fibroids, Cysts, and Women’s Reproductive Health

Feb 21, 2020
Fruits and vegetables support women's reproductive health.

This is an overview of my reproductive history, including my battle with ovarian cysts and polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, and EBV diagnosis, and how Medical Medium’s information changed everything for me. I’ve also had the honor of helping hundreds of women address their diagnoses, including PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, and other reproductive health problems.

I could bring myself back to exceptional health with what I learned through Medical Medium.

Finding Anthony William’s information not only saved my life but also allowed me to ultimately have a beautiful baby girl, even after going through the worst of the worst with my health and wondering if I would ever be able to maintain a healthy pregnancy again. It has since been a passion of mine to help other women regain their health and understand how to support their bodies to have healthy pregnancies and births.

A pregnant woman after improving her reproductive health.

My Reproductive History

I remember when I first heard Anthony talk about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) on his radio show. I can recall listening, nodding, and relating so much! It made me reflect on my history from a young age, and I felt some emotions regarding what young women are up against if we don’t teach them a better way.

Ovarian Cysts and PCOS Diagnosis

When I was in my late teens, I developed “cysts” on my ovaries and was diagnosed with “PCOS.” I was told this ‘condition’ could make it difficult or impossible for me to have children and that it would eventually lead to insulin resistance. Imagine my surprise, as I had never previously had issues with blood sugar, weight, acne, or hair growth. This “tag” never fit, but it was given to me because I had these “cysts” that were visible via ultrasound and additionally because I was having painful periods. I was put on birth control pills and sent on my way.

First Pregnancy, Uterine Fibroid, and EBV

Fast forward to my first pregnancy. At my 20-week scan, my midwife mentioned a concerning “fibroid”—a growth in my uterus. She told me that she would monitor it and that I should watch for bleeding early on in the pregnancy (thanks for the anxiety attack!). Thankfully, overall, my pregnancy was beautiful, and although my birth story was wild, I was the happiest mama in the world when I saw my beautiful baby boy.

Shortly after my first was born, I divinely found my way to the  Medical Medium books and realized that the cause of the fibroid was not some big scary thing that would just get worse with age. It was the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). Likewise, the “cysts” were EBV as well.

When EBV goes to a woman’s reproductive organs, it can lead to fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and pregnancy complications….when EBV moves through the body, it may select the ovaries as a nesting place. There, the virus may prompt the creation of cysts as the immune system attempts to block off the growth of the virus, and the virus continues to live and grow inside it. As these cysts develop, they strain the immune system, allowing EBV to move more quickly to Stage Three, infection and thyroid disruption. That’s why PCOS and thyroid issues occur side by side so often. -AW

Implementing Anthony’s Life-Saving Changes

Blessed with this life-changing health information, I knew it was time to adapt to my diet. I was always a “healthy” eater, but this motivated me to completely eliminate foods that were causing my body harm, introduce specific supplements, and refocus my spirituality. 

As I recently shared in my post about fertility and miscarriage, I was going through a time of extreme stress, and my circumstances perfectly fit the description of a reproductive battery running low. This is when I experienced my miscarriage. I could have given up, but I wouldn’t. I felt EMPOWERED by the information I had learned, and I KNEW I wanted to try again.

Medical medium fibroid

Throughout my next pregnancy, I had brief moments of feeling nervous and cautious (as all pregnant mamas do), but my pregnancy was smooth sailing. I can remember my midwife, when she evaluated me during my second pregnancy, asking, “Where is that big fibroid?!” It was nowhere to be found. IT WAS GONE! And while I was ridiculously thankful, I wasn’t surprised one bit. I knew in my gut that I was on the right track, and the feedback I received throughout my pregnancy only confirmed it.

A diet rich in fruit and vegetables helps with women's reproductive health.

Helping Women with  PCOS, Endometriosis and Similar Diagnoses

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. (1)

Endometriosis may affect more than 11% of American women between 15 and 44. (2)

Those are some scary statistics, reinforcing why the need for support during our reproductive years is so important! Thankfully, using Medical Medium’s information, I have had the honor of helping hundreds of women address their diagnoses, including PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, and other reproductive health problems. My two biggest suggestions to care for your reproductive system are the following.

Take a Look at Your Diet

Fruits and vegetables are your GO-TO foods!

Sweet potatoes are an excellent fertility-boosting food. According to Anthony, they “help reduce fibroids and cysts throughout the body caused by EBV, including the ovarian cysts that result in PCOS.”

Also highly recommended is raspberry leaf, as it supports both women’s and men’s reproductive health. As Anthony has shared, “Raspberry leaf brewed as tea is one of the most profound tonics to address infertility and prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy. It is useful to help prevent miscarriages, and it is a secret tool to address exhaustion following childbirth and postpartum depression.” As a bonus, following birth, raspberry leaf tea is often recommended to help stimulate milk flow for breastfeeding. Read my post on foods that help with breastfeeding for more tips.

Another recommendation is nettle, which Anthony shares is “the ultimate reproductive herb of all time” and “anti-inflammatory for those organs infected with EBV.”

Importantly, some foods do NOT help when considering women’s health and family planning. In his book “ Life-Changing Foods,” Anthony discusses avoiding “adrenalized foods” such as chicken, turkey, lamb, and other meat, fish, and dairy products. He also shares why eggs and other foods are best avoided.

Other foods that can instigate and worsen conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, PID, uterine fibroids, and ovarian cysts – and in this way interfere with fertility – are eggs, corn, wheat, canola oil, dairy, aspartame, and MSG (look out for its hidden forms), as well as soy that’s conventional and unsprouted. If you have PCOS or endometriosis and hear recommendations that you should eat eggs for your condition, try not to get derailed.  This advice could not be further from the truth. Rather than reversing illnesses, eggs advance them because eggs feed the pathogens behind these conditions. -AW

Spirulina is proven to be effective in supporting women's reproductive health.

Supplements that Support Reproductive Health

Anthony highly recommends  5-MTHF  (5-methyltetrahydrofolate) as it is “extremely helpful for supporting reproductive health that’s been threatened by EBV” and “this supplement will be your ally in trying to come back from EBV-caused issues such as infertility, PCOS, and endometriosis.” Other helpful supplements include zincVimergy barley grass juice powder, and spirulina.

In addition to supplementation and foods, consider lifestyle changes to increase fertility and support your mental health and well-being.

Today and every day, I feel so blessed that I was given the opportunity to learn the TRUTH that I can pass on to many mamas and young girls. I know I will also be able to share this information with my own baby girl someday. And for that, I thank you, Anthony!

Is Your Reproductive Battery Running Low?

For personalized help with reproductive health care, supplementation, or supporting a healthy pregnancy, look at my consultation packages to see if there is a good fit for you. The consultation includes access to a private Facebook community for emotional support and additional healing information.

Book a Consultation

This is your invitation to radical truth, freedom, and root cause healing.

No matter what stage of healing you’re in, I hope that my new Empowered Women course will give you a deeper understanding of how the body works and how the body heals. It will also empower you with the fortitude needed to start and maintain your journey, help you navigate the ups and downs of healing, and arm you with the tools you’ll need to reach your goal of beautiful, vibrant health.

Empowered Women Course


1.  “ Polycystic ovary syndrome.” Office on Women’s Health. Last modified April 1, 2019. https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/polycystic-ovary-syndrome
2.  “ Endometriosis.” Office on Women’s Health. Last modified April 1, 2019. https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/endometriosis#14.

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