Empowered Women Course

For Practitioners & Health Coaches

Dr. Kimberly during a virtual appointment with a client from the women's health course.
Small white seashells.

A 4-week course for practitioners in the wellness community that focuses on all aspects of women’s health and working confidently with women and mom’s to be to support better health outcomes.

This program teaches practitioners the foundational elements of Dr. Kimberly’s personal practice with learning modules created from over a decade of experience with high-volume client cases. After taking this program, practitioners will gain critical knowledge, skills, and an understanding of effective tools when faced with challenging cases to begin or strengthen their businesses.

Learn from Kimberly directly as she navigates through everyday women’s wellness, acute care, and root-cause healing for chronic symptoms and conditions from puberty to menopause. Empowered Women for Practitioners is NOT just for practitioners! It is also for those looking for a deeper level of support.

This program is for you if

  • You are looking to expand your business by supporting women on a healing journey and in a holistic way to manage their overall health (autoimmune, chronic symptoms, PMS and horrible pain around cycle, hormonal imbalance, menopause, emotional struggles, fertility issues, unexplained weight gain, and more)
  • You are wanting to strengthen your skills with a thorough understanding of all aspects of women’s wellness to become a better practitioner
  • You have an understanding of basic women’s anatomy, and development milestones, and/or desire to apply Medical Medium Protocols and holistic health practices with clients
  • You are a practitioner that currently works with women and moms-to-be of different ages and development stages
  • You are working with challenging cases and need additional support and resources to improve client outcomes by leveraging Kimberly’s knowledge and expertise in the field of women’s wellness

You will learn how to support

  • Women on a healing journey (autoimmune, chronic symptoms, PMS and horrible pain around cycle, hormonal imbalance, menopause, emotional struggles, fertility issues, unexplained weight gain, and more)
  • Women that are interested in supporting themselves nutritionally
  • Women that are interested in supportive supplementation
  • Women looking to apply Medical Medium ® protocols to their lifestyle and health
  • Women that are trying to live life in a greener + cleaner way including clean home, skincare, and beauty
  • Women that are trying and or preparing to conceive

Course learning modules will cover topics including:

  •  Women’s health & wellness 
  •  Understanding symptoms as signals
  •  Nutrition support and using foods as medicine
  •  Precious sleep
  •  Emotional wellbeing 
  • Balancing hormones 
  •  Prayer, spiritual + Angelic Aid
  •  Building a personalized protocol
  •  Supplements + Medicine cabinet
  •  Lymphatic support 
  • Thyroid support
  •  The nervous system + adrenal support 
  •  Fertility truths and fertility struggles 
  •  Clean hair, skin + beauty care

Practitioner Course Itinerary

The practitioner course is a month-long program of learning best practices from Dr. Kimberly Spair based off of our most popular course, Empowered Moms. Please note that this is not a certification program and instead focuses on learning, teaching and practical application of nutrition supports, supplementation and holistic living.

Weekly Learning Modules

4 weeks of intensive learning modules covering all aspects of Women’s Health with daily lessons. 

  • Supportive video lessons to accompany written learning modules
  • Supportive handouts and learning materials to accompany specific learning modules for enhanced learning, understanding, and application

Recorded Live Teaching Calls With Dr. Kimberly

A combination of live and recorded teaching calls where Kimberly will cover detailed elements of key topics and learning modules, offer her personal advice and best practices as well as discuss client example cases to garner an even deeper level of understanding. 

Questions, Answers & Case Studies

Ask your personal questions and receive direct feedback from Kimberly on our Q+A call. Ask questions about course learning modules, case studies, and practical applications. Questions will be submitted prior to calls to ensure answers are provided if practitioners are unable to attend Live and can listen to posted recordings. 

For further questions and inquiries, please contact our office: [email protected]

Empowered Moms for Practitioners

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What Clients Say about Empowered Moms

“I really loved this course. Although, it felt overwhelming at times. It’s a lot of information to take in, but I am thrilled to have the PDF’s to go back to. I now know I need to incorporate B-12 into my diet more and my sons, as well as zinc. The recommendations page is awesome too!! I have ordered a few things already.”

“I highly recommend the Empowered Moms course! The information was clear and easy to understand. I have been on a natural health journey for years, but I learned SO much new and valuable information for myself and my children. Reclaimers of Health went above and beyond to provide a safe space for questions and learning. So much time was taken by Kimberly and the Reclaimers of Health staff to answer each question. It was truly as if each momma had one on one access!”

“This course is hands down the BEST online course who are following a path that is (right now) less travelled. You will find unwavering support, sisterhood, a sacred place to work through emotions all while getting absolutely CLEAR about protocols, diet and how to move forward with healing. This was my second time taking the course and I LOVED IT MORE than the first time I took it because I was able to gauge how far I have come as a mother living this way of life, how far my kids have come and now I feel even more confident about where we can go from here. Kimberly is a a true and authentic shining star in this world and Reclaimers of Health is resource from the heavens!”

“Full full full of so much valuable information covering everything you can imagine! Highly recommend this course!”

“Empowered Moms is pack full of great information for moms supporting themselves and their kids through the Medical Medium diet and lifestyle. The support and help that I got from Kimberly, her staff, and the other moms in the FB group was invaluable during this course. I got so much more than I thought I would get from the course, and it’s not what I expected at all to get. I’ve let go of a lot of emotional blocks that I had around this way of eating and living. I am so grateful to find like-minded women who understands exactly what I am going through and who is there to support me in my journey to health. A huge thank you to Kimberly for creating this course!”

“The course was great! A perfect mix of instruction, videos, online support, and materials. I loved Kimberly too. She is so knowledgeable, upbeat, and compassionate.”

“Kimberly, the emotional piece in this (my) second round of Empowered Moms had begun for me a few months ago but was intensified in the best way starting with my why video. Thank you. I can literally FEEL shift in progress. My foot doesn’t feel like it needs to be on the gas at all times, and I feel an ease of movement with what I have in my grasp. I can see my solutions to some of the more tangible things on my obstacle list, and I am feeling less exhausted already. Without changing one. single. thing. Except for THIS COURSE!!! Thank you so much!”

“Kimberly is as wonderful as Anthony is—her spirit, kindness, and compassion are unparalleled as well as her knowledge and intuition.”

“Thank you so much for making this course for moms and children! This was exactly what I needed. I love the way it was structured to really make a change and not just give us the info. Loved to see and come into contact with other MM moms and you! You are a radiant soul-touching so many lives, it is amazing what you do for everyone. Again, thank you”

“I’m forever grateful I was able to be a part of this course. Truly from the bottom of my heart this has been so empowering and emotional, and everything in between. I just can’t thank you and your team at ROH enough for all of your wisdom and fast responses to all of my questions and concerns. Thank you”

“I am and will be forever grateful for you and this course! Although we haven’t met personally, I feel as though you are a friend and one that has helped me so so much with zero judgement. You and your kids are beautiful and exude HEALTH that is contagious! Thank you!!”

“Thank you, Dr. Kimberly and the ROH Staff, for sharing your wealth of valuable information to healthy families! I will be studying your handouts for a long time?? It was hard to come up with questions, because you presented such a thorough program.”

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support and guidance! Kimberly Marie you are a beautiful soul and truly an angel walking on this earth!”

“Thank you for an incredible course! I never expected it to be this open and to have such great conversation with you Kimberly Marie and all the Empowered Moms! The Facebook group is amazing and I look forward to a new course in the future!!”

“Thank you for this amazing course <3 This has literally been a life changer!!! I think this is as close to Anthony I will ever get, so super thankful I found you <3 Thank you for this amazing journey!”

“I want to thank you for this wonderful course, for this intense month you have shared with us. Thanks a lot, God Bless you”

“I loved the Empowered Moms course! Thank you, Dr. Kimberly and ROH Staff, for providing an informative healthy lifestyle course based on Medical Medium’s protocols. Dr. Kimberly’s presentation of the valuable information from MM/Spirit of Compassion’s books was extremely clear and manageable. Her kind and energetic spirit also provided an excellent role model and guide for Moms of all ages. Many Blessings to Everyone at ROH for continued success! From a Very Grateful 52 year-old Newly Empowered Mom.”

“Empowered Moms is a is a group of woman lifting each other up and giving support as we continue to heal ourselves and our children. Kimberly is a big Mama Bear hug of fresh air, knowledge, love and compassion. She gives you hope and teaches us to not to be so hard on ourselves, we are doing it!!! Healing!!!! An Earth Angel sent from above!!! So grateful!”

“I love the course. I always look forward to the next course!! I learn so much from each course.”

“This is my third time taking the Empowered Moms course. My family and I have been on our healing journey for almost two years and the incredible amount of information and amazing support has been priceless. Each time I’ve taken it we’ve been at a different point in healing. I am so grateful to have this group to fall back on and I realize even more how far we have come!!! My family and I wouldn’t be where we are today without Dr. Kimberly Spair and the ROH team!!!! Thank you for everything!”

“I loved the course! It was so much more than I could ever have imagined. It covered things that I didn’t even think to talk about in my 1:1 appointments. I believe this course is for people that are just starting or have been following MM information for a while. I would take this class every single time it was offered! it was that good.”

“I just want to share a success story with my 3.5 y.o. son. After I took the course, Empowered Moms, I implemented the suggestions right away for a cavity between his front top teeth. Of course, the dietary changes have been a gradual work in progress, but I can’t believe how well he adapted to everything. I honestly didn’t believe that the protocol would help as quickly as it did but within weeks his teeth were healthier looking. By the time we had our pediatric dentist visit about a month of healing, she suggested the silver fluoride treatment which could slow the decay but did not push anything. She was impressed with everything we were already doing and said to keep it up. We had a 3 month follow up visit scheduled. Since he never had any pain and his oral health just continued to improve, we were able to cancel that visit in January. His babysitters, family, and friends were able to visibly see a difference in how strong and white his teeth were. It is so nice to feel the difference when I am helping him floss because I used to cringe with how soft it seemed, and now it is solid where there used to be a cavity. One holistic dentist I called in the beginning told me that cavities in children spread like “wild fire” so often they have to pull the teeth. I just want this to be a testament to how amazing our bodies are when properly nourished. Thank you so much Kimberly Marie and Reclaimers of Health! I felt so “empowered” and had a great experience with the pediatric dentist too! Kimberly, thank you for giving me the tools! I was so happy seeing him heal before my eyes… skin, hair etc. overall a healthier child and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.”

“The Empowered Moms course is literally life changing! The course is very well constructed, the information is easy to understand and relate to, and the support in the Facebook group is unbelievable! Every single question is answered! That is amazing! This was my second time taking this course, and will definitely take it again. I’m always learning something new. ❤ I highly recommend it! Thanks again for the amazing course!”

“Thank you. I am feeling so much more confident in my ability to help my daughter because of this course, it brings me to tears.”

“I’m a returning Mom for the third time. Thanks to this information, I have reversed cavities in my son’s front teeth and one between his teeth. He has a beautiful cavity-free, white smile now, and I owe it all to Dr. Kimberly and this course!”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you. It was such a pleasure doing this course! I enjoyed every moment. It was so nice to put my questions out there for you to read and answer. I will come back for more. I learned so much, and although I read all the books from MM, this was the missing piece!”

“I’m very grateful for the Empowered Moms course. The course itself is full of detailed information and resources to help support you and your children at every phase in life. I know I will be referencing it for many years to come. Kimberly and her team go above and beyond to answer questions and offer suggestions. They are very knowledgeable and encouraging. The community of like-minded moms is wonderfully supportive and validating. It was a pleasure to learn with and from them! I look forward to joining future rounds of Empowered Moms and continuing to learn how best to support myself and my children. Thank you Reclaimers of Health!”

“Empowered Moms is such a wonderful and life changing course. Because it is down to earth, it really puts the kids needs first and respects the process and it really empowers us to live this lifestyle out of love, not fear Thank you again for all your efforts “

“This was the best thing I ever did for my son and I…I HIGHLY suggest! I felt the class actually helped me so much. Learning the WHY behind what I’m doing for my son and I’s health”

“Kimberly, I just want to say Thank You! Your amazing! It was great connecting with so many people who are facing challenges in their lives too, it made me feel like I’m not alone. This was a great experience.”

“My favorite part was the Facebook support and the tapping videos..I loved having videos and would recommend more regular videos or live chats. LOVE! Nothing more powerful than empowering moms-the course was well set up and tons of support!”

“This course was amazing Kimberly Spair! I am so grateful to have been part of it. Thank you for putting this together and sharing your knowledge with us. You are making a huge difference in the world one mom at a time”

“I definitely feel more Empowered as a mom after completing this course! It opened my eyes up to be more aware of what we eat and what is in our environment. The information I received from this course is so valuable and forever will be in my heart?”

“I’m happy I booked this course for the second time. I took much more information out of it than I could imagine. Love that there’s a lot of content about emotions. I tried tapping this time and was blown away by the results. Thank you Kimberly & RoH!”

“It was wonderful connecting with like minded mommas working hard to keep their families happy and healthy. The small adjustments to our daily routine will be great for my family. Thank you!”

“This was my third time taking the Empowered Moms course and I still learned so much! It’s amazing to have a tribe of like minded mamas who can support one another. Kimberly did an excellent job leading us through the content and answering individual questions. I would absolutely take this course again!”

“I enjoy the course very much as it helps me be the empowered mom Kimberly is teaching us to be. The course is easy to follow.”

“I love the empowered moms course! I learn more each time I take it and I really enjoy connecting with other moms who are on the same path. The course really encourages emotional work and self-care that is so easy to neglect when on a healing path. I always refer to the PDFs from the course which are very helpful!!”

Empowered Moms
Join Today!

Join our 4-week virtual course for moms, offering expert guidance on supporting your family’s healing journey through daily community, Q&A sessions, and personalized wellness advice from Dr. Kimberly for all stages of life.

Dr. Kimberly holding her baby at the beach.