Exploring 3 Root Causes of Bloating

Jan 6, 2024

Bloating can be incredibly uncomfortable. For those experiencing it regularly, the impact on your daily life, social engagements, and even food choices can be significant.

The discomfort and distension caused by bloating often lead to questioning your dietary decisions and doubting your body’s cues. In some cases, it can even create a fear of certain foods, or, in extreme situations, a fear of eating altogether.

But here’s the reality: It’s not just a mental struggle. That extra weight you feel isn’t fat—it’s the bloat causing confusion!

Let’s navigate this together and understand the truth behind bloating. And if you’re someone dealing with unwanted weight gain, this month in our monthly membership we are focusing on uprooting weight struggles as our most highly requested topic.

1. A Sluggish Liver

Anthony has elaborated on how our livers can become stagnant or sluggish due to various factors like pathogens, toxic heavy metals, adrenaline, environmental chemicals, and a high-fat diet (considering that protein often contains high fat content).

Adrenaline can arise from consuming a diet rich in fats, experiencing trauma or emotional events, excessive coffee intake (which affects the adrenals), or leading a busy, high-stress lifestyle that keeps the body in a constant fight-or-flight mode. As the holidays approach, joy and stress often come hand in hand.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of adrenaline’s function and how to support your adrenals, liver, and digestive system, we recommend delving into ‘Cleanse to Heal.’ Additionally, these topics will be covered in the Reset mini course starting on January 15th. While stress might be inevitable, we can certainly bolster our bodies to safeguard our adrenals and overall health.

2. Low HCL

Low hydrochloric acid plays a significant role as an underlying cause of bloating. This might seem counterintuitive initially, as conventional treatments for stomach issues often revolve around using stomach-acid inhibitors, assuming there’s an excess of acid. However, understanding this distinction is crucial.

When there’s insufficient bile and hydrochloric acid production, typically stemming from a sluggish liver, bloating can result from undigested foods. Anthony sheds light on this process in ‘Liver Rescue’:

“Ammonia permeability, a condition often mistaken for leaky gut, develops due to food decomposition in the intestinal tract. This produces ammonia gas, leading to further expansion of the intestinal tract, causing bloating, cramping, discomfort, and distension.”

 – Anthony William

3. Chronic Streptococcus (antibiotic resistance)

Bacterial infections, including strep, can easily transfer from one person to another, with numerous strains posing a potential risk. Anthony highlights that there exist over 50 groups of streptococcus bacteria, surpassing the count identified by current research and science. Some of us harbor specific strains of streptococcus bacteria inherited from our parents or contracted during childhood or teenage bouts of strep throat. Additionally, it’s effortless to acquire multiple varieties of strep bacteria via intimate contact, restaurant meals, or public bathrooms. The activity level of strep in the body fluctuates depending on an individual’s immune system and current life circumstances.

This information ties directly into bloating and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Frequently, antibiotics are prescribed to alleviate symptoms, but this approach proves ineffective. Strep strains causing bloating often resist antibiotics, exacerbating the root issue.

When addressing bloating, where should one begin? Consider these nutritional, herbal, and supplement supports:

  • Celery Juice: Consumed daily, this fresh juice helps increase hydrochloric acid and reduce bacterial loads, aiding in debloating.
  • Foods that Aid Bloating: Incorporate peppermint tea, onions, oranges, kiwis, leafy greens, papaya (or a blend of papaya with celery juice), ginger, and the heavy metal detox smoothie to target bloating.
  • Reducing High-Fat Foods: Cutting back on high-fat foods, especially animal protein, can give your liver, gallbladder, and overall digestion a break. Simplifying meals with more plant-based foods can be tremendously helpful.
  • Herbs and Supplements: Target potential bacterial loads in the gut using herbs such as goldenseal, cat’s claw, oregano, olive leaf, thyme, or garlic. Supplements like monolaurin, vitamin C, zinc, B12, and magnesium can also aid in addressing underlying issues.

Move past bloating! Join Empowered Reset 

In the 8-day Empowered Reset, I will teach you how you can UPROOT bloating and SIBO for good. Participating in this Reset will be especially helpful if you are dealing with ANY kind of bloating. The lessons are packed with information on how to improve hydrochloric acid, lower pathogen and bacteria load in the body, tips for removing the effects of stress in the body, and more on the connection between the lymphatic system and the liver. I will also teach you how to get back into exercise and movement with chronic illness and symptoms. 

Empowered Reset is extremely popular among participants for the affordable cost, the in-depth lessons on popular topics, and the ability to have your personal questions answered. 

Have you ever wanted to try a 28-day cleanse or a 369 cleanse and felt intimidated? Now is your chance to have guided support in a community of like-minded wellness friends. Pregnant and breastfeeding moms are also welcome to join!

Empowered Moms
Starts March 25th!

Our most in-demand and popular course! This 4-week course is specifically designed for moms to access information, no matter the age and development stage of children, or their current wellness lifestyle.